Brighton’s got visually impaired talent!
St Dunstan’s – the charity that helps blind ex-Servicemen and women has threw open the doors of its’ rehabilitation and training centre in Ovingdean, Brighton to show the public the work of more than 40 blind and visually impaired artists. The exhibition covers every discipline – sculpture, mosaic, wood turning, painting etc, and the vibrancy and quality of all the pieces are quite breathtaking.
The Centre’s art and craft department hosted this event as part of the Brighton Festival Artist Open House. It was free to attend and doors open from 10am to 4pm every Saturday and Sunday in May.
The Charity aimed to raise awareness of art and visual impairment in the wider community, showcasing the wonderful work produced by its’ fantastically creative beneficiaries. Visitors were invited to try out interactive challenges that will help them explore the idea of what it is like undertaking creative activities when visually impaired.
The charity is also seeking to highlight the importance of access to art activities for all visually impaired people and encouraging their engagement with the arts.